

We are a small but mighty grab-and-go + pantry located in beautiful Pescadero, CA.  We have outlandish intentions of offering our community and its many visitors, inspirational and healing meals and snacks that highlight what our beautiful coastal terroir has to offer, and also to be leaders in a much needed industry; fast-ish food.  

It is a busy life we all live at the moment, and many of us need access to quick and nutrient dense meals.  Our hope is that by offering thoughtfully sourced, organic, and vibrant foods in compostable, re-usable, and returnable containers we are helping solve several of the challenges we are all facing.  We cannot create healthy food systems if our water, air, and soil are polluted with plastics and toxins, and we cannot fix the problems in our culture and environment if we are not healthy and vibrant.  We seek solutions that are viable and serve our current pace of life.  That’s why we are choosing to partner with and support farmers, ranchers, and artisanal companies who are striving to meet the same types of goals.  

There are many challenges facing thoughtful food producers, especially in packaging.  We are here to openly experiment, collaborate, and educate ourselves and help showcase the brands, the heros really, who are working so diligently to create the future we all desire. We are not expecting perfection (yet), but we're seeking to partner with and support those who are aiming as high as we are and in doing so intend to radically change our industry and ultimately our world together.

Thanks for stopping by our site, we hope to see you in the shop, or lounging out on the sidewalk in beautiful Pescadero, and we hope you’ll join us in creating the future of our dreams!